there was really no rain in mumbai, or in the majority of the state, for almost a month following the first initial weekend of downpour. its been hot, humid, and blazingly sunny.
perhaps the monsoon is back? its been pouring since thursday.
this weekend is the three year anniversary of the horrible rains that devastated mumbai in 2005, killing over 400 people and accruing over 3 million (usd) in damages. there has been press recently debating the city's preparation if such a disaster should occur again. researching the water distribution system has led to lots of tangents on disaster management, stormwater management, and sea levels. not to mention daydreaming about large scale ecological disasters. basically, mumbai should not exist in the state it does: its a city of reclaimed land that has been filled in from a chain of seven islands.

it makes one wonder how long the present state will last. and if there were to be another massive cloud and meter of rain, how would the city respond? that would be the immediate disaster. project the current rise in tides into the next 10/20/30 years and what will the city look like?
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