MARATHON countdown. 10 DAYS TO GO.
ive signed up via united way to raise money (somewhat last-minute, but donations will be accepted after the race) for
mumbai mobile creches:
'The construction industry is the single largest employer of migrant labourers, the poorest of the poor in Indian cities. In Mumbai alone, approximately one million men and women work in this sector. Moving wherever they can earn an income, their lives are characterized by insecurity of wages, dangerous working conditions, and lack of access to any kind of welfare. The children of these workers are even more vulnerable. Since both parents work, they are left to fend for themselves. Without access to day care centres, schools, and health services, they suffer from malnutrition, injury, and illness and are deprived of an education. For nearly four decades Mobile Creches has been the only NGO specifically supporting the health, education and safety of children of construction labourers, and has reached half a million children. We have shown what a difference a well-designed, innovative programme can make. However, there are still millions of children in the country, and over 50,000 children in Mumbai alone that live on construction sites. Mumbai Mobile Creches has adopted a vision called 10 by 10 where we aim to reach 10,000 children in Mumbai every year by the end of 2010. The futures of these children are under construction and we need your help.'
i see evidence of this problem everyday. india is constantly building, mumbai is constantly building. both mothers and fathers are part of that labor force. their families grow up on site. there is nothing in current legislation that ensures their care and safety.
organizations like this help. they currently run 23 centers and serve about 5,000 children. their goal by 2010 is to serve 10,000.
please donate if you can. dollars and euros will go a long way over here too.
donate here:
HELP BUILD CARE *****its working its working!!oh! and if youre in town, the route is from vt to bandra reclamation, and back. via marine drive/babulnath/peddar rd/worli seaface (basically the same route as going to the airport, short of the last stretch).
it starts at 7ish, and ill probably be running for almost 5 hours. so come watch, or lets meet up after for a recuperative meal. bring advil a nice cool breeze if you can. yes, and there will be bollywood stars too.