this post is in progress.
i like to think that im lucky. so far, my direct personal experience with harassment has been minimal. not worse than anything i really encountered in the united states, in contrast to what the guide books claim is a serious problem here.
they call it '
eve-teasing', and it goes something like this:
hello m'am... what is your name?
- you dont need to know my name.
please m'am, you are very beautiful... (puts hand on shoulder)
your ass is very beautiful.
- you dont need to speak to me like that, leave me alone.
do you want to f*ck? i know how to f*uck?
where are you from?
- new york.
have you seen mumbai?
- yes, actually, its lovely.
can i show you mumbai, i would like to show you bandra.
- no thanks, i have to work today.
please give me your number?
- not today. im sorry, i need to go now.
can i just spend one hour with you, i would be so happy...
please. half an hour.
- i need to go back to work, i am late.
i will just accompany you to your work. please for half an hour...
- no, please let me go.
just half an hour... we can have oral sex.
- dont speak to me like that, leave me alone. (gives the finger)
it happens on the way home from the store, between the sandal-wallah and the office, near the train stations, near everything.
sometimes just stares, sometimes just rubbing of crotches... sometimes hissing, calls, strange verbal noises.
never anything that is threatening, more just a nasty feeling that sort of stays for a while and makes you hope that no one is paying attention to the route you take home. or following you, as most of these incidents happen on the street.
mumbai is supposed to be the safest city in india for women. and apparently, its illegal to eve-tease everywhere. which is great, until you hear stories about being raped by the police.
so honestly, not as bad as expected... but really, not so good either. aacha nahin.
and will someone please tell me why the majority of american actresses featured in the newspaper are lacking pants? i know hayden panettiere has some nice red carpet pictures out there.
sometimes the subtle stuff is worse.